No other platform like nodMD connects specialists with patients, primary care and facilities.

Check out three main mega trends that are driving the specialty care market changes.

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A key element of the platform is keeping primary care providers in the loop about patients they refer to specialists – to improve patient health outcomes.

In addition, platform users will find additional features “inside” the platform. For example, when nodMD’s signature “find-a-specialist” search tool is accessed inside the portal, enhanced features are available compared to the public “find-a-specialist” search option.

[fildisi_image_text image_mode=”portrait” image=”2123″ title=”nodMD Business Overview—Disrupting the U.S. Specialty Physician Market” heading=”link-text” read_more_title=”Download our 1 pg Business Summary” read_more_class=”arrow-right” read_more_link=”|target:_blank” el_class=”card-read-box”][/fildisi_image_text]